Why sendQuick’s solutions have more user-centric features and better usability than other brands

sendQuick Aug Blog 2021

What makes our solutions different from your competitors?

This is a question we often hear from our customers. 

Over the years of working with different customers from different industries, we have always made it a point to collect feedback from customers to identify ways to improve our solutions. One thing we have learned is that customers want a fuss-free system that just works! 

And we totally get that. That’s why we’ve streamlined our solution packages, offering our customers some of the best packages available in the market. 

So here are three ways sendQuick’s solutions have more user-centric and better usability than other brands!

All-in-one software package, cost effective pricing

Incorporating a new software into your company is a huge change, and it should not have to come with complicated packages and add-on features. 

sendQuick’s solutions come with pre-installed software, and no additional operating system (OS) is required to run our solutions. Our software packages come with an all-in-one pricing, with no additional hidden costs to access the OS. 

Our packages are cost effective, suitable for businesses of any size! You get to save between SGD100 – 150 when you choose sendQuick.  

Customer first features: unlimited user license and server-based solution

We believe that our packages should add value in the form of added features and higher-level solutions. Regardless of the package you choose, you should not be restricted by the number of users or to have to pay for an additional server. 

When you work with sendQuick, you can have an unlimited number of users on each license. Your team won’t have to share an account, and you can easily delegate workstreams to each member of the team. 

Our server-based solution also comes together with the bundle – you don’t have to pay additional costs to access the server! This server supports the entire organisation, and helps you get off the ground running the moment you implement sendQuick’s solutions. 

Simple maintenance process 

Software maintenance is another key issue many customers are concerned with. And we totally understand that. You don’t want to adopt a solution, only to have to spend more manpower and resources maintaining it. 

sendQuick’s solutions are designed to operate with minimal maintenance and simple troubleshooting as compared to our competitors. This not only means less hassle for your IT team but also reduced downtime and lower maintenance fees. In fact, you can save SGD500 a month on maintenance fees when you use sendQuick. 

Our simple and elegant solutions are what makes sendQuick stand out from the crowd. We pass on the cost-saving features to you, so you know that your money goes directly into the quality and value of the software. 

Reach out to one of our consultants to find out more about how sendQuick can help your business!  

3 Ways SMS Marketing Outperforms Other Marketing Channels

Many prospective customers have reached out to us and asked, “is SMS marketing still effective today?”

While there are plenty of messaging apps, as well as other marketing channels that can deliver flashy ad banners and call to action buttons, SMS marketing remains relevant for the simple fact that mobile phones are increasingly ubiquitous these days. 

Think about it. Most of us are rarely without our phones. We need our phones when we’re working, and we rely on navigation apps, e-wallets and our handy QR code scanner when we’re out these days, all of which are hosted on our phones. 

The average person checks their phone 160 times a day. You’re leaving money on the table if you’re not speaking to your customers through SMS.

If you need more convincing, here are 3 reasons why SMS marketing outperforms other marketing channels.  

1. SMS delivers a higher open rate compared to email

Emails are notorious for having open rates as low as 20%. On the other hand, SMS messages have an open rate of 98% and a readership of 90%. 

These are figures any marketing professional can only dream of achieving with email campaigns (and other marketing campaigns as well). 

But what makes the SMS medium so appealing to customers? It has to do with the SMS medium. 

Which brings us to our next point. 

2. Deliver short and simple sales campaigns effectively through SMS

SMS messages are short. At a quick glance, customers can immediately understand the main point of your message. 

In a time-starved society, getting things across quickly and accurately can make or break your marketing campaigns. In this case, less is more. A short and sweet text-only message is better than a flashy and lengthy email campaign.

Got a discount code to share? Send that link straight into their inbox. Need to send a birthday voucher? All your customers want to see is the voucher, not an email full of banners and gifs. Deliver quick deals directly to your customers. Your customers save time trying to fish for the link, and you save effort trying to convert them as well.  

3. Urgent messages can be sent instantly via SMS

SMS messages are sent and received instantly. This works best for urgent messages that your business needs to deliver. 

Especially during these times when local social distancing restrictions can change overnight, you want to be able to communicate those changes with your customers as soon as possible. 

Other urgent messages that are better received through SMS include appointment dates, e-commerce delivery notifications and flash sales deals.

Using SMS appropriately can increase your engagement rates with your customers, which ultimately gives you an edge over your competitors. Your customers will appreciate you for sending them timely reminders and sales coupons directly through SMS, without other marketing distractions! 

Broadcast Messages Helps You Communicate Clearer and Quicker

Broadcasting messages is a headache these days. Most of us are on multiple messaging platforms like Whatsapp and Telegram, and we communicate business matters over Email, MS Teams, Slack etc. So how do we ensure our broadcasted message reaches out to our target audience? 

First things first, we must acknowledge that communication is getting more complicated these days. Since a few years ago, the digital landscape has already been saturated with numerous market players, and customers have been bombarded with advertisements and notifications through social media and email. 

It’s harder to get noticed online these days, and even harder to find an audience that will willingly subject themselves to more notification fatigue. 

The way brands communicate with their customers needs to change. Messages need to be ever more concise and memorable. And it seems like omnichannel communications is the way to do it. 

But with different dominant chat apps in different countries, it poses challenges to business to manage multiple messenger apps on different platforms. So, how should a business which has global operations, communicate with different audiences in different markets? 

Companies need a single platform to manage all these apps to reduce complexity and enhance the user experience.

We have built a unified platform for businesses to integrate with all messenger platforms using a single API. Companies can leverage sendQuick’s multi-channel messaging capability to send out messages via the relevant instant messenger app, Email and SMS (in case of network failure). This ensures a cohesive communication stream.

With the mult-channel messaging capability, you can guarantee that your messages will reach your customers. Especially with social restrictions changing frequently during these times, business information like opening hours, space limitations, closure of services, can be quickly communicated with customers. 


Read and interact.

2-way messaging is a well-loved solution by many of our customers. It allows for an interactive conversation.

During this time where business operations have been severely impacted by safe distancing restrictions, we hope to support you with communications tools that enables you to reach your customers despite the distance. 

If this is something your business needs, do speak with our team at marketing@talariax to find out which solution is best for you! 

How to overcome disruptions in unplanned work?

Even the most detailed of plans can be derailed by unplanned work – urgent issues that pop out of nowhere. 

Unplanned work also affects the morale of the employees. More stress and anxiety, less time to work on important items and reduced work-life balance are the top three issues faced by workers. 

Not only does unplanned work affect employees, it also negatively affects customers at the receiving end who may experience delays and errors on their orders or services. 

You can overcome unplanned work disruptions by implementing business process automation solutions that automate routine tasks, and improve communications across the entire business.

What is Business Process Automation?

With a shrinking workforce and technology-driven automation, it is vital that businesses automate routine business processes to stay competitive. Our Business Process Automation solution helps you to automate your daily routine business tasks, improving workflow and freeing up personnel to focus on delivering higher value to customers.

By sending real-time SMS notifications to their customers, companies gain a competitive advantage by sending messages to improve business processes and retrieving real-time responses to help close transactions. You can deploy 2-way SMS in many different ways in your business processes to remain responsive to your customers and become more efficient and competitive.

#1 Strong customer communications

A customer-centric approach is one of the key business shifts of this decade. Products and service that place the customer at its core, paired with great customer engagement are what gives a business a strong competitive edge. 

When faced with an unplanned issue, keeping tight communications with your customers helps you to stay accountable to them, and prevent misunderstandings and confusion on the ground. Automated messages can be configured through sendQuick’s messaging solutions. 

#2 2-way communications

The worst thing about speaking to a customer relations officer is when you’re talking to a robot that does not reply back. 

sendQuick’s solutions offer 2-way messages that increases interactivity with improved turnaround time. This ensure panicked customers to have an ease of mind that the issues are being tended to, which in turn helps your IT team to stay focused on resolving the issues. 

#3 Automate daily tasks

By automating daily tasks, employees have more time to focus on business critical activities that can have a material impact on revenue growth, but also work on preventing issues that can cause unplanned work. 

sendQuick has a range of solutions available for different types of business needs. We have successfully transformed business from a local to a regional scale. Speak to us to find out how we can support your business transformation. 

Sendquick Cloud: Your Cloud Environment’s Strongest Line Of Defense

In a post-Covid world, flexible working arrangements are here to stay. That means companies will need to import data seamlessly across the office and other remote working locations. 

While such flexible working arrangements are a win for work life balance, staff and customers are faced with the challenges of data privacy and security risks. In order to make data available across remote work locations, companies have to use a cloud application. Unfortunately, remote working locations do not have the cybersecurity and data protection protocols in the office. As such, incident response planning should be made a core part of each company’s cybersecurity plan – especially when their staff members are now not working from the office. 

What could go wrong with remote working?

Lapses in network security and misuse of VPN could increase the chances of companies getting hacked, especially when employees work from the comforts of their homes, or from a public café. Malware, computer viruses and hackers are always lurking behind the scenes, waiting to strike a vulnerable yet lucrative data point. 

In Singapore, it was reported that a file-sharing system by a US cloud-sharing company Accellion was hit with a cyber attack in December 2020, affecting not only its global customers, but compromising the data of about 129,000 Singtel users. 

Today, IT managers have the added pressure and responsibility to ensure that the company’s infrastructure is protected in the day and age of cloud applications. But not just that, they have to handle the day-to-day IT issues and complaints. Without a lack of delegation and allocation of roles, it would be impossible to manage all IT issues, especially everyone are working from remote locations.

Why implement an incident response infrastructure?

A basic incident response infrastructure comprises of two key elements: 

  1. Monitoring: Looking out for issues
  2. Notification: Informing you when something goes wrong

Given the flexible work arrangements, it becomes more important to ensure that your IT infrastructure is kept tightly monitored in case of potential issues. Not only are employees working across the country affected, but customers’ data could also be stolen by hackers during a security breach. Therefore, ensuring that the cloud is monitored at all times is key to identifying any issues as soon as possible.

Timely notification of issues in the cloud will close the loop to a robust incident response process. IT teams are usually overwhelmed with managing the company’s digital assets. A timely notification alert system will ensure that IT managers can focus on their daily operations, and only respond to issues in the cloud when they are alerted to it. 

The process of monitoring and notification will ensure that IT issues can be quickly resolved, even in a remote working arrangement 

How can sendQuick Cloud help your business?

sendQuick Cloud is a systems availability monitoring and notification management platform for the cloud. It works with public cloud services to monitor systems, applications, services and network and flags up issues to your staff on duty.

This means a significant reduction in operational risks and costs associated with systems and resources monitoring. IT managers are always able to gain visibility across all connected data centres, security operations centers and network operations centers. In the event of a potential crisis, your IT staff will be the first to know should there be any tech-related issues that need to be addressed – before it becomes a business issue and results in loss of sales. 

In summary, sendQuick Cloud will be able to help you:

  1. Send Immediate Notifications on critical issues, giving an overview of your entire IT infrastructure. 
  2. Obtain a robust Roster Management so only relevant staff gets notified, preventing Alert Fatigue from massive influx of notifications. 
  3. Provide seamless pre-built Integration to public cloud services. Configuration is simple with straightforward configuration steps to activate the checks.
  4. sendQuick Cloud can be integrated with collaboration tools and social media messaging platforms such as Whatsapp and LINE. No fuss, no additional apps required. 

sendQuick Cloud provides you with the basic yet essential network monitoring checks such as Ping, Port, Url as well as email filter checking that are critical to every business’ IT health. 

For more information on how you can get started, send me a message.

Getting Your Leadership Team to Say Yes to IT Asset Management

According to a study by McKinsey, the Covid-19 pandemic brought about an acceleration in the adoption of technology at both the organisational and industry level. In Asia Pacific, the rate of digital technology adoption leapt ahead by 4 years in 2020 alone.

The rapid growth of organisational IT infrastructure calls for proper IT asset management (ITAM) to protect and control the overall infrastructure. IT can be a hefty investment, and in a time where we are more reliant on technology than ever, the right ITAM system can make all the difference in saving time, cost and resources. 

However, we know that IT managers might face the challenge of convincing their leadership team to adopt an ITAM system. Cost-conscious executives, coupled with an uncertain global economic outlook, are some factors that make leaders today hesitate in approving additional spending on IT.

If you’re having troubles getting your leadership team to say yes to ITAM, we have some tips on how you can approach the subject with them!

Establishing the need

How has your business needs evolved in the past 5 years? Are there more customer interactions online now? Has the business adopted more digital applications to carry out daily operations? What is the cost to the business if the IT infrastructure is compromised?

Asking the right questions to target business critical problems with regards to IT infrastructure will help your leaders to see the need of adopting an ITAM system.

It is also helpful to narrow your focus down to specific problems that leaders can relate to. Which are the most important aspects of your IT infrastructure that needs to be properly managed? Putting emphasis on the most important aspects of your IT infrastructure will bring more clarity and purpose into why resources should be channelled towards ITAM.

Show specific outcomes from previous case studies

Leaders want to see specific outcomes from their investments. In particular, they want to know the financial gains after they’ve made an investment in any part of the business. 

One of the best ways of proving the effectiveness of ITAM is to show previous case studies from your industry peers. 

TalariaX has compiled together various case studies from our clients that are readily available on our website. On there, you can find the specific business improvements that companies have seen after adopting our ITAM strategies. 

Our clients have seen tangible benefits of using an ITAM system, including improvements to employee productivity, increased effectiveness in sales processes, reduced risk in IT downtime and more. 

If you would like to find out how TalariaX has transformed businesses in your industry, feel free contact us to understand more. 

Be specific in your calculations

Once your leaders understand the needs and are convinced with the potential benefits of an ITAM system, it’s time to show them where their investment will go towards. 

When you can show the detailed breakdown of not only the costs, but the potential gains to your business when you adopt an ITAM system, it will put the investment into perspective for your leadership team. 

In addition, show your leaders exactly where their money is going towards. Include the customer support that you’ll get with your ITAM vendor – including the integration and deployment process, any customer support and future upgrading opportunities. 

At TalariaX, our solutions are designed to scale up together with your business. This not only helps you to save cost, but it also ensures that there is longevity to your ITAM system when you partner with us. 

If you need additional resources in presenting the need for ITAM to your leaders, do not hesitate to reach out to us to find out more. 

Best Practices in IT Infrastructure Monitoring 

Due to the complexity of IT infrastructure, managing and monitoring the entire ecosystem is difficult and time-consuming. It requires the manager to be able to sort through and prioritize the data he receives, and identify exactly which components need maintenance. Without a professional IT infrastructure monitoring platform, human errors are likely to occur, which can result in severe consequences for the infrastructure.

As such, an IT infrastructure monitoring platform is important to prevent potential threats and financial losses to the business. It assists companies in finding the balance between multi and hybrid cloud environments, resulting in cost efficiency as well as fast delivery times once processes are standardized across the organisation.

With the wide variety of IT infrastructure monitoring platforms in the market right now, it is important to choose the right platform. While your business will have its own unique set of requirements, there are three best practices you should look out for in any IT infrastructure monitoring platform. 

1) Consolidate the monitoring of cloud on a single, user-friendly platform

It is unadvisable to have multiple platforms monitoring your IT infrastructure. While having a diverse monitoring tool may have worked in the past, current IT needs are complex and more demanding. Individual components within the IT infrastructure could be stretched across several business units or functional needs. Monitoring these components using multiple platforms will create overlapping alerts, and would slow down IT maintenance reaction time due to the overwhelming number of alerts an IT manager receives. Furthermore, it is difficult to get an overall picture of the IT infrastructure if data is tracked across multiple platforms. This not only makes monitoring the IT infrastructure more complicated, it could also result in an oversight in areas that require critical support due to the lack of clarity in data and reporting.

As such, it is prudent to ensure that all your data can be read and interpreted by a single platform that allows all IP-addressable devices, URL, email and cloud providers to be monitored 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. 

2) Use a single platform that does not need integration efforts to save time to go onboard.

IT infrastructure shared today are shared across business units, offices, and even countries. With the availability of cloud systems, monitoring platforms need to integrate easily with the different operating environments. 

As such, ensuring that the platform that you employ is easily integrated into the current infrastructure is key if you have a complicated infrastructure ecosystem. Data is only useful if you are able to collate the information easily – especially if you have installed a network from multiple vendors. sendQuick, for instance, comes with an email filter with a pre-built integration to public cloud providers so you can hit the ground running with no delays.

3) Use a single platform that empowers IT professionals to easily configure monitoring and on-call omnichannel alert policies.

Responding to IT alerts promptly is one of the most important pillars in building brand recognition, accountability and loyalty. Having a platform that allows you to configure omnichannel alert policies will increase your response time when dealing with IT issues. 

sendQuick simplifies the way IT professionals communicate with their users, be it with support staff or your customers. Our service, sendQuick Cloud integrates multiple communication channels, allowing you to reach out to your team and customers in their preferred method of communication. Response time is therefore faster for critical events, therefore reducing network downtime – giving more free time dedicated towards consumers.

Visit www.sendquickcloud.com to learn more.

sendQuick by TalariaX: Our new year’s resolutions for 2021

2021 marks our 20th year in operations – and what a year it is to achieve this milestone! 2020 has presented a new set of challenges for the tech industry, and forced us to re-think the ways we can support our customers better in the years to come. 

Covid-19 created unprecedented waves of uncertainty that were felt throughout the world. Initially, many companies were unprepared to deal with the sudden changes in work arrangements. Having to digitally transform entire businesses overnight is no easy feat. It made us think: how can we better prepare people to deal with crisis at work? 

As the world gradually gains clarity on the Covid-19 situation, having familiarized ourselves with mitigation strategies like quarantines and social distancing, together with the launch of vaccines, we’re all beginning to find some measure of stable ground to stand on. In this new normal, businesses need to have the right digital tools in order to succeed. These digital tools might include remote monitoring capabilities, social media management tools, cybersecurity protocols, and others. The rate of digitalization was unprecedented in our 20 years of operation, and it is one that will have lasting impacts on the world of work. What can we do to support businesses new to the digital landscape?

Despite having 20 years of experience in the tech industry, we honestly feel like we have just begun! 2020 has brought new challenges and opportunities for us, and we too need to make sure that we keep ourselves updated of the latest IT trends so we can provide the right solutions for you.

As such, our new year’s resolutions in 2021 are: 

  1. Enable companies to better deal with crisis at work
  2. Support businesses new to the digital landscape with best-in-class tools
  3. Remain adaptable and flexible to the fast-changing IT industry

Thank you for supporting us the past 20 years. We look forward to serving you in 2021! 

Marketing of the Future: Two-Way Messaging

With the onset of an era of smartphone use, text messages (apart from other messaging applications) have become the primary means of communication for you between both friends, family and colleagues alike. In fact, a majority of businesses use text messages to reach out to their consumer base and let them know about current events, promotions or monthly subscriptions.  An article written by Tatango shows that 90% of text messages are opened in just 3 minutes. With such a high open rate, it’s no wonder that brands deem text messaging to be the most efficient way of reaching out to their customers. However, this interaction is inherently static, with businesses pushing communications onto customers, and does not promote customers reaching out to businesses. To be more efficient in communications. two-way SMS marketing might just be the way to go. 


One-way VS Two-way Messaging 

You might ask, what exactly is two-way marketing? It’s when brands recognise the importance of hearing not only their own voice, but also the voice of their customer. One-way marketing is simply a campaign – two-way marketing establishes a line of communication between customer and business. 

For example, one-way messaging often means that customers have to reach out to dedicated emails or phone numbers to make enquiries about news that they receive via text messages. This can pose a problem as customer retention is likely to fall when they perceive poor customer service (implied by the longer wait time for service) and lost revenue as more complicated transactions mean customers are less likely to go through with their purchase. 


The Era of Two-way Messaging

How exactly can two-way messaging optimise business operations? Let’s start with the following:

1. Recovering abandoned carts

When customers have doubts about their purchases, they are likely to leave their carts without going through with their transaction. This can result in the business losing a large amount of revenue. However, by texting customers a reminder of their abandoned cart and opening up a conversation that allows them to address their concerns directly to the officer they are texting, they are much more likely to finish their purchase. Talking to them personally will also give your business a better idea on how to address their queries or ensure purchases are completed. 

2. Increasing website conversion

Oftentimes, consumers who make purchases on their mobile phone will not have the patience to reference an FAQ page if they have any queries about pricing, shipping time etc. By including a number that customers can text for quick answers to their questions, this can increase conversion rate by ensuring that customers complete their purchase. 

3. Optimising customer experience 

Beyond simply offering a number for customers to conveniently reach your business, try to enhance their experience. For example, if a customer wants to know when their purchase will arrive from the time they have placed an order, it might be beneficial to offer them prioritised shipping. This indicates that the brand cares about their consumers, and helps to build stronger customer relationships through important touchpoints.

4. Supporting conversion optimisation

Integrate two-way messaging seamlessly into your present conversion optimisation efforts by trying out the following: 

  • Including a textable number on your website’s contact page
  • Including a banner with a textable number to attract customer’s attention
  • Offer promotions and engage customers on text with campaigns that help to boost conversion

5. Scaling the business

With the increasing cost of campaigning social media platforms and a saturated landscape, including messaging as a part of your marketing funnel can help to galvanise the existing email and social media strategy. 

6. Generate repeat purchases 

By increasing customer loyalty from one-on-one touchpoints and conversations, follow-up text messages are more likely to generate further purchases by prompting customers with new offers or promotions.

To do, or not to do?

Two-way messaging may be a different way of approaching traditional customer marketing, and changes may have to be made to your existing funnel. However, with enough time and effort, the payoff can be great. Taking a simple step to implement two-way messaging at the bottom of your conversion funnel can be the start of a revolutionary marketing platform for your business. 


How do we stay connected in the new era of virtuality?

Though this generation of digital natives might think it easy to build relationships online – but it is not as easy as it seems, as our current experience with the shift to online workplaces is proving. Be it the struggle to fight through a terrible wi-fi connection, or a lack of ideas when it comes to workplace relationship-building activities, the worldwide pandemic has forced us to face a new normal we might not have been ready for despite having the technology to move our work online. A task that once took a few minutes might take a little longer and take more of our energy to complete, and our productivity may have taken a hit as we try to navigate ways of remaining focused while working from home. There may be misunderstandings, miscommunications and missed deadlines that makes work a little more maddening.

However, humans are an adaptable species. It is how we have survived for so many eras, across many generations. The pandemic has not bested us yet, and the fact that we have been able to come out of quarantine and make the shift to online workplaces so far has shown us that. The more and more time we spend doing something, the better we can get at it.

The core of improving our experience with working online lies in building better and more meaningful working relationships, even if it might be the one thing that seems impossible to do on an online platform. You have heard about the ‘3Rs’ of recycling; try to follow ‘3Cs’ of online relationship-building:



Being genuine with the people you meet is the first step. Make an effort to reach out to them for a simple online meal together or short one-to-one meeting where you get to know your colleagues and clients more closely. Find out what motivates them, what would help them work better and try to use that information to help them with any issues they might have at work, or even open new opportunities for them by connecting them with others they might benefit from. By proactively reaching out a helping hand in response to what they have told you in a genuine manner, this will help them feel more valued.

Having trouble deciding how exactly to go about connecting with your business relationships? SendQuick may be the application for you. With omnichannel messaging on any platform of your liking, whether it be SMS, Whatsapp, Line, WeChat or other collaboration tools like Slack, this allows for a single API to offer a unified means of communication to connect with every one of your business relationships – from varying customer touchpoints to communicating with colleagues.

SendQuick can be especially useful for companies with a need to respond to customer expectations oftentimes, providing them an option to connect on any social channel they prefer. In turn, SendQuick helps to align organizations with its unified communication and collaboration tool and prevent disjointed customer experiences or miscommunication by encouraging seamless collaboration.



Compassion can be the most important quality in working online. By viewing other’s struggles and work approaches with the same compassion you might view your own, this can help you to manage your expectations. Listening to others with compassion can in turn encourage them to help you feel more valued and listened to. As the Golden Rule goes, “Treat others how you want to be treated”.



Showing that you are capable of doing your job well not only improves other’s expectations and perception of you, but also encourages them to reach out to you for help and opens opportunities for intra-organisational learning. Some ways to show capability might be to follow-up on tasks, be ready with information when it is asked for and take the initiative to take on tasks that need doing. This ties in with Compassion and Connecting; by listening with compassion and connecting with others, you can find out the kind of resourcefulness that would most be appreciated in your workplace. Capability does not only mean showing your mettle. It can also mean acknowledging the limits of your abilities, but expressing an interest to improve and learn. This will not only encourage people to connect with someone realistic, but also allows them to respect you as someone who is constantly striving to give their all in work – even in an unfamiliar virtual setting.

This is simply the beginning of a new era of virtuality that 2020 has brought us into. It might feel unfamiliar to us, and we might want to go back to the old norms. The essential need for communication can make IT solutions like SendQuick ever more important to our work life, and a greater reliance on such solutions might just make the 3Cs much more approachable.